Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Winning is Everything.......... Really

I have the grand opportunity of helping lots of young people with their livestock projects. It is something I am truly in love with.  As a young person I was quite competitive so when my friends children started getting old enough to show I could not wait.  Show Auntie ! Yep that is me ! I wrote this awhile back for a junior livestock magazine but thought it might be appropriate now to share with all of you on my blog.

When you read the title of today’s blog I am thinking your first reaction will be – What ?  Celeste are you crazy?  Winning is not everything! Isnt that what we try to teach our children and isnt that what many of our parents have tried to instill in us?  Well a winning ATTITUDE  is everything !  The ole saying its not if you win or lose it is how you play the game is so very true especially l in the show ring.

As many of you probably know by now I love to read, I read all sorts of things and when I find something I find interesting or that I feel beneficial I love to share it in my blog  for all of you to be able to enjoy.  Recently I came across this great piece about promoting self esteem in kids.  I believe that if you promote self esteem then kids will have a winning attitude no matter what they place in the show ring.  Krissi Marx is a freelance writer and talks about ways to promote the value in kids. I am not a parent but I was raised by some great ones and they instilled in me good things.  As a young person I found that by having a good relationship with my parents only made me better.  I am certainly not hear to preach to all of you parents about how to “parent” but thinking this was definitely worth  a share~ 

Ways to Promote Self-Esteem

What exactly is self esteem? Self Esteem is an intricate balance of positive beliefs and emotions, combined with an accurate perception of personal abilities and a sense of being loved by others. Internal and external factors influence its development. As a parent, you can promote self-esteem in your children by influencing their internal perceptions and providing a positive, nurturing environment.

1. Communication
Your tone, feedback, phrasing and body language affect your child's self-concept. Be honest with your child, but frame your feedback in a positive manner. Your encouragement and acknowledgment of his efforts benefit his self-esteem. Instead of telling him to work harder if he fails at something, tell him you're proud of the work he put into it, as recommended by KidsHealth. Challenge any negative statements he makes about himself, as well as negative beliefs. For example, if he says, "I'm not good at making friends," ask him to tell you about the friends he has, and about the times he made a new friend. Show him affection with hugs, pats on the back or a kiss on the cheek. This reinforces to him that he's loved.

2. Modeling
In a child's eyes, her parents or caregivers are the primary example of appropriate behavior. She initially learns how to interact with the world by observing and listening to them. Being a model of someone who has healthy self-esteem shows her the appropriate methods of building and maintaining it. This includes resolving conflicts effectively, cooperating with others, managing emotions and expressing a positive attitude. Address your own self-esteem issues as needed so that you can serve as a good example.

3. Activities
Personal accomplishments and positive interactions with others help a child develop confidence in her abilities and self-image. By helping her set and achieve personal goals, such as a good grade in school, she learns that she's capable of achievement. Goal plans also teach her how to overcome barriers, which further boosts her confidence. Engage her in group games and activities in which children cooperate rather than compete. KidsHealth suggests a partnership between an older and younger child in a mentoring program, as both children benefit psychologically from the interaction


  1. So true...a winning attitude is everything. When I was younger, my mom used to tell me all the time 'dress for success'. Kind of the same thing. When you feel good about yourself you can accomplish just about anything.

  2. You are so right Katlyn - my mom told me the same thing !!!
