Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Making Peace with Me

On July 1st I took the plunge to start a new business – Couture Cowgirl n Company with my partner Sara ~ it is something I have dreamed about each and every day for a long time. I just never knew if I could do it or who to team up with or if it would work ,was I too old to start something new ,would I have time to dedicate to it and on and on with all the questions that overwhelmed me .

But what I thought was going to be a crazy adventure filled with added stress and wandering into unchartered waters has come as a sense of peace for me !  Really? How in the world did that happen?

Because this is where I was meant to be ! I have found peace with myself , my abilities and what I do.  I have realized the famous quote that is now a mantra for which I am ~ “Peace is the result of retraining your mind to process life as it is rather than how you think it should be ~ Wayne Dyer

There are a whole lot of wonderful graphic/communications/public relations firms out there – they have lots of experience ~ they are well known within our industry of agriculture and I respect them so very much! I have learned from them, followed them, met them and have realized that I too would like to be a piece of it all – but just a little piece focusing on the people who are following their dreams of doing things just like me – I want to be able to cheer them on, create their place and walk beside them while learning and growing with them.

Have I already had some bumps in the road? Sure have and that is ok because it makes me learn , makes me better, makes me humble and it makes me put that much more effort into what I need to be doing to get it done.

So almost three months into the new adventure I can say I am in love with it all ~ I enjoy helping folks follow their dreams, I enjoy the connections I am making with my colleagues , many who have become mentors and I have made peace with me – being the best I can be with it all !

Special thanks to those of you who have believed in me already and given me the opportunity to showcase your wonderful selves :) and to Sara for putting her faith in me to get it all done !

So what is the purpose of my blog today ~ to just accept each day God puts in front of you ~ find balance with it all ~ find peace with yourself that you are right where you need to be and learn to accept it all ~ once you have the journey is simply amazing !

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Unbridled ~ untamed, unique cowgirl fashion

Its that time again.......
a fashionable find for all my farm girls!

Unbridled in Ada, Oklahoma ~ they are a whole lot of juicy goodness!
My friend Shari told me to “ like” Unbridled on Face book. Friends do this to me all the time because they know how I LOVE western couture ~ but what a treat I was in for when I came across this site.

Dawn White Christian is the epitome of funky fun cowgirl fashion. She got started after numerous folks kept asking where she was getting her unique creations. Unbridled was born!
You can browse all sorts of great clothing, boots, belts, jewelry and gifts right on the Unbridled Face book page – the deal is really simple- if you see something that tickles your fancy then you make a comment and on the photo of the item you like and then they will get back to you with pricing and purchasing options.

I promise you that there is something you are bound to fall in love with and when you start checking back daily at this newfound treasure chest – I will be ok if you blame me! 

The Particulars:

Store Location – 111 West Main, Ada, Oklahoma 74820
Phone – 580-310-9416


Trends are made, not followed! Unbridled is a Store that has home decor, clothing and accessories that will get you noticed! Style without limits or restraints, a little bit country, gypsy, hippie and some southern charm!
Brands you will find at Unbridled, 
Double D, Tasha Polizzi, Gypsy Soule, Johnny Was, Ranch Royalty/Sissie n Me, Elusive Cowgirl, Petrol, Stetson, Twisted x, ivy Jane, Anderson bean, vintage, turquoise haven ,Sookie Sookie
General Information
We love to ship!!! See something you like, call us!
New store policy: we will no longer hold merchandise, if you want something you must call to pay for the item OR create a file where we have your information safely stored and when you want something you just say so and we will ship it out. We hope you understand

Find them on Face Book and let the fun begin ! Unbridled